5 Signs Your Business is Ready for a Rebrand

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, meaning I get a small commission if you make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. However, I only recommend products I use and love.

1. You don’t feel proud of your brand 

Does this sound familiar? You know in your heart that you’re amazing at what you do… but when someone asks to see your website or social media accounts, you clam up and start sweating because you’re embarrassed by your logo or how you’re showing up online. Or maybe you’re feeling a bit jealous of a certain competitor because her brand is SO polished.. and you know that’s why she’s getting all the prospective clients in your area while you’re missing out. IT’S TIME TO REBRRAND! 

2. You aren’t attracting the right people

Does this sound familiar? You are getting leads, maybe even a lot of leads.. but they aren’t in your niche, they don’t seem like a good match, or they can’t afford you. When your brand is strategic, stunning and working the way it should, you WILL attract dream clients.. and the people who aren’t a good match will be able to see that too. They’ll move on and find someone who is a better fit for them, leaving YOU with availability for those dream clients, who will begin to flood your inbox once your brand is on point. IT’S TIME TO REBRRAND! 

3. You grew up and your brand stayed the same 

Does this sound familiar? Your brand was the perfect fit for a younger, less experienced version of your business. It may have served you well, for years even, but it no longer represents your current level of professionalism or the elevated experience you now offer. This is a classic growing pain of being a business owner. Think of this like your favorite pair of hot pink Little Mermaid shoes you had when you were 7. They served you SO WELL during that chapter, but it would be really weird if you wore them now. IT’S TIME TO REBRRAND! 

4. You niched down or changed niches

Does this sound familiar? When you first started your business, you just needed to get a foot in the door, so you were happy to serve anyone and everyone who would hire you or buy something from you. I totally get it, I’ve been there! You didn’t want to miss any opportunities, so you set up your branding and marketing with the goal of trying to attract everyone. I’ve been there too!

But then you figured out that in doing so, you were actually attracting nobody. Being generic and trying to appeal to the masses is one of the most common and biggest mistakes I see business owners making. (Don’t worry, you are not alone!) The most successful brands and entrepreneurs know EXACTLY who they’re speaking to and trying to attract. You realized that, so you figured out your niche. Maybe you’ve modified your offering, changed your messaging and you are ready to start serving those dream clients. But… your branding still reflects the old, generic, one-size-fits-all version of your business. Oof! IT’S TIME TO REBRRAND! 

By the way.. good for you!! That’s amazing and SO IMPORTANT!! (While we’re on the subject, I have a whole separate blog post for you called Why You Must Niche Down and Identify Your Dream Client)

5. You’re ready to raise your prices

Sound familiar? You’ve been in business for a while, you’ve gotten exponentially better at what you do, you are serving clients better than ever before.. BUT you’re working really hard, putting in long hours and not making as much money as you need to or know you deserve. Raising your prices can be uncomfortable, but it’s a necessary part of being a business owner. When I started freelancing 10 years ago, I could charge $200 for a logo because I needed the experience, I needed to grow my portfolio, and my cost of living was a fraction of what it is now. If I hadn’t regularly and significantly raised my prices, I would have gone out of business years ago!

Even though it’s normal and the right thing to do, it still feels awkward or even wrong to suddenly raise your prices on your clients without changing anything else. But, imagine instead that your business gets a whole refresh. You modify or redefine your services to offer even more value, and your entire business is elevated from the inside out. Now higher prices just make sense, because you’re running a higher level business than you were before. IT’S TIME TO REBRRAND! 

Not sure where to begin? I got you.

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x, gretchen

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Girl, we need to talk.

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Psst.. are you sick and tired of figuring out what to cook or order for dinner every night?

I was so over it. I tried Blue Apron and Hello Fresh, and I loved the convenience of the meal kits... but they were so expensive, I just couldn’t justify it. Then I found Dinnerly.

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I’ve been using the Dinnerly kits to make dinner for myself and Ham 3 nights a week for the last year, since we started living together. So I can vouch for them that the quality is consistent. In addition to being super affordable, they have so much variety and the meals are incredibly tasty. They have options for vegetarians, pescatarians, as well as low-calorie and low-carb. The meals are pretty healthy and balanced too — you know we eat clean and are a very health conscious couple. Plus you can make them a bit healthier depending on what type of oil you cook with, how much butter or ghee you use, and how much salt you use.

You know I don’t recommend any brands or products that I don’t absolutely love, and I recommend Dinnerly to all my friends.

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